Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Weight lost! Goin under the knife?

Ok...great news...I have lost exactly 30 lbs over the last several weeks!  Woohoo for me!
On the other hand, I had and interesting appointment with my pain and spine doc.  Nothing they have done so far has help in regards to the pain in my neck.  It was brought on by the degeneration of the disks in my spine.  Nothing has worked so far.  I REALLY hate the options that I have to discuss now...surgery!  Will surgery on my neck truly help or will it just cause more problems? 
On a more positive subject, we have our 2011/2012 Circuit Assembly this weekend!  Will be very nice to see some old friends and make some new! 
By the way,  I am saving up to buy a new WWW.segscooter.com, cool huh?  It would be so nice to be at an assembly and look people in the eye instead of sitting at butt-level in my old, creaky Hoverround Power Chair!  Oh well, it's a dream...maybe a goal.
Well, enough dreaming, I have another Doc appointment and errands to do!

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