Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sleeeeeeeeep eludes me!

It is 2 A.M. 
About once a week I have insomnia.  Why, you may ask?  I'm not sure.  It could be the fact that I have (what we think is...I'll go into that at another time) Multiple Sclerosis and the insomnia is just another symptom.  Or, I have somehow thrown my internal circadian clock off so much that I never know when I will have a sleepless night.  Or..I am addicted to late night TV and infomercials, that my subconscious keeps me awake to get my fix.

Whatever the reason, I am sick of it.  So what am I doing about it?  I don't know.  I already take so many pills a day (around 60) because of my health, that I am not particularly enthused about adding a sleeping pill to the mix.

DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS?  If so, comment on this blog to give me your advice.  Maybe I haven't already tried it!

(In the picture: this shows about ½ of the pills I am forced to take daily in order for me to almost normally function.  Could THEY be the problem?)

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